Christian Resources Library


Resources for older people, ageing and spirituality (Leveson Centre)

Liturgy & the Lectionary


CD of sermon by Austin Farrer

Faith Seeking Understanding

Book Reviews


Liturgy and the Lectionary

Tried and tested Assemblies for Primary Schools by Elaine Winterbottom

Services for Weekdays by Leslie Houlden

The story and meanings of the Eucharist

Let's think about the New Testament
Resource material for Lent (PDF format, 718kb) First Session: What about the world of the New Testament.

Revised Common Lectionary for 2011 - Year A
Revised Common Lectionary for 2010
- Year C
Revised Common Lectionary for 2009
- Year B

Notes on the selected Lectionary readings:
2011: January to December
2010: January, February, March | April, May, June |
July, August, September | October, November, December
2009: January, February, March | April, May, June |
July, August, September | October, November, December


Trinity Sunday Sermon preached on 30 May 2010 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

Members of the household of God Sermon preached at the Temple Balsall Heritage Weekend 13th September 2009 by The Reverend Mark Pryce, Bishop’s Adviser for Clergy Continuing Ministerial Education .

Revelation 5. 1-10 Sermon preached on 18 January 2009 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

The Baptism of Christ First Sunday after Epiphany (Matthew 3.13-17). Sermon preached on 6 January 2008 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

Easter Day. Sermon preached at a Parish Eucharist, Baptism and Confirmation on Sunday 8th April 2007 by The Rt. Revd Mark Santer

Second Sunday in Advent and the centenary of the English Hymnal (Luke 3.1-6.) Sermon preached on 10 December 2006 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

The parable of the prudent manager (Luke 16.1 - 13) Sermon preached on 19 September 2004 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden .

An aged man is but a paltry thing . . . Unless . . . - Sermon preached at Temple Balsall Heritage Weekend, Sunday 12th September 2004, by The Rt Revd Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford.

Faith (Hebrews 11.1-3, 8-16) - Sermon preached by
The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden 8 August 2004

Ash Wednesday - (Isaiah 58.1-12 2 Corinthians 5.20b-6.10 John 8.1-11.) Sermon preached by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

Here am I, send me - (Isaiah 6.1-8; 1 Corinthians 15.1-11; Luke 5.1-11.) Sermon preached by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

Let God show you His great love for you - Sermon given by Bishop Michael Whinney during a Baptism and Confirmation Service on All Saints Day, 2nd November 2003

The story and meanings of the Eucharist - a series of four sermons with historical background and study materials
1: The Gathering of the People of God
2: The Liturgy of the Word
3: The Liturgy of the Supper: the Eucharistic Prayer
4: The Liturgy of the Supper: Communion and departure

see also Historical background and study material

I have become all things to all people (1 Corinthians 9.22) Sermon preached by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness (John 1. 6-8, 19-28) Sermon preached on 15 December 2002 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

Bible Sunday Sermon preached on 27 October 2002 by The Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

Spirituality and Ageing. (1 Corinthians 13: 8 - 13; John 16: 12 - 15; Habakkuk 3: 17 - 18) Sermon preached on 27 April 2002 to Affirming Catholicism, West Midlands by the Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden

CD of sermon by Austin Farrer, 1904 - 68
On the Sunday before he died, Austin Farrer, one of the most famous and esteemed preachers of his day, preached a sermon on The Ultimate Hope. A recording of it survives and is now available on CD. If you would like a copy, please send a cheque for £10, made out to: Leslie Houlden, 5 The Court, Temple Balsal, Solihull B93 0AN. All proceeds will go to the Farrer Memorial Fund and Trinity College, Oxford.

Faith Seeking Understanding

Beliefs and Business: the experience of Quaker Companies. A talk by Sir Adrian Cadbury - May 2003

Women Sharing in the Ministry of Christ Part of a talk given by Marlene Parsons - Diocesan Director of Ordinands on 15th October 2002

Art, Religion, Belief and Unbelief. Part of a talk given in St Mary's Church by Nigel Dwyer, whose sculpture of the crucifix now adorns the church.

Book Reviews

Jesus in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia. Leslie Houlden (Ed.). Publication details.



Arms of Lady Katherine Leveson

The Foundation of Lady Katherine Leveson
Registered Charity no. 213618
Temple Balsall, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0AN

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